Who can apply?

All current undergraduate or graduate students from any faculty at the University of Alberta are welcome to apply.

Do I need any special skills or qualifications?

No. SIHA International aims to recruit students from diverse backgrounds to develop a well rounded and versatile team. We seek applicants with a passion for global health and an understanding of global citizenship.

How will I be prepared for my internship in Tanzania?

The learning experience as an International Travel Team (ITT) member begins seven months prior to departure through SIHA 101 sessions. Topics range from: global citizenship and SIHA’s guiding principles, health promotion projects, in-country safety, fundraising, Swahili language lessons, and more. Our In-Country Representatives and In-Country Volunteers receive equivalent training in Tanzania so that both teams have the same base knowledge when starting work together.

Is it safe to travel to Tanzania during the COVID-19 pandemic? Are there any safety measures in place? 

In order to ensure the health safety of all participants, we will be closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Morogoro before we confirm a travel internship. If we decide that a travel internship is not feasible, we will instead plan for a virtual internship for summer 2022. 

In the event that a travel internship is possible, we will ensure that team members take all of the necessary precautions during travel including wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and maintaining physical distance whenever possible. 

What would a virtual internship look like? 

In summer 2021, the SIHA International team participated in a virtual internship alongside team members in Tanzania due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This included bi-weekly team meetings on Google Hangouts, cultural exchange sessions, virtual fundraising efforts, and some individual work from home. The virtual internship would run at the same time as a travel internship normally would. 

How will I prepare myself for the internship? 

Throughout the school year, International Team members will participate in weekly SIHA 101 sessions in order to become prepared for the internship. This will include learning about the structure and pillars of SIHA, global health and the social determinants of health, anti-oppression, cultural norms in Tanzania, Swahili language sessions, travel safety information, and more.

What day of the week is SIHA 101?

Following recruitment, a time and day of the week that coincides with all interns and executives schedule is arranged.

When does SIHA 101 begin and end?

SIHA 101 begins in mid-October and breaks in early December before final exams. SIHA 101 resumes in January and ends at the beginning of April.

How much time will I need to commit?

Every week interns are required to attend a 2 hour SIHA 101 session. Participation is also required for fundraising events which occur throughout the year. These events generally take place on weekends require a few hours in the afternoon or evening. 

What is the financial commitment?

All volunteers accepted to go to Tanzania as part of the International Travel Team are expected to raise $4000 to help cover living expenses and project costs during the placement. 

To help ensure that financial constraints are not a barrier to qualified volunteers SIHA has a Fundraising Coordinator that works alongside volunteers to develop a personal fundraising plan and help plan and execute various individual and group fundraising activities.  

What type of work can I expect to be doing in Tanzania?

Tasks may include meeting with community partners, online researching, participating in and facilitating strategic planning meetings, and planning, implementing, and evaluating our projects.

What month does the International team arrive and depart from Tanzania?

The International Team usually leaves Canada in mid-May and arrives back home early to mid-August. To check out past teams experiences, check out the International Travel Team’s blog!